Special offer listed at bottom of this page!
Has your year been fruitful so far? We’re more than half way through THIS year. Have you made the amount of progress you wanted so far? Do you feel there something, anything holding you back?
Or, are you CLEAR & focused and progressing? Working with a plan? Is this turning into the most powerful year ever? Are you excited most of the time, living in joy and gratitude? If not, choose a change NOW. If you’ve totally rocked the last six months… congrats! You’d be surprised at how JacQuaeline, a Successful Executive Business Coach / Intuition Power™ Trainer, Professional Psychic & Holistic Health Teacher/Healing practitioner , producer, composer, artist, etc. etc. (creativity in action) may make a huge difference in the way you achieve your goals…
Does the idea of having less stress, more joy and great results appeal to you? Yes or yes?
Are you working toward actualizing your inner most desire and dreams? If not, when do you plan to start? How do you expect them to come into reality? And, what if those ideas could manifest for you; how would you FEEL then?
NOW is the time to activate the principles of abundance, spiritual activities which lead to success. Its time to find the courage to make powerful changes in your life. JacQuaeline says, “Create a plan, set a course of action with a timeline. Remember that meaningful success comes from within. “The roots create the fruits. And the universe rewards ACTION – so….ACT in spite of FEAR!” Not always easy to do. Youthful attitude, innocence balanced with wisdom & maturity is a challenging thing to achieve, maintain and share. please download this article and read it right away.
A simple way to keep on track is to have a guide, a coach and an accountability partner. And having a Professional Clairvoyant and Executive Business Coach who has a 30 years track record for helping people integrate spiritual growth with daily conscious action steps – it just about guarantees greater personal and professional success. In fact, JacQuaeline was given a Coaching Award from T. Harv Eker’s “Peak Potentials Training Company as fat back as 2004! That coaching program was challenging – offering ‘double your income, double your time off with 2, 30 minute phone calls per month! Check the testimonial comments on the main part of this SuccessExpressway website!
Here’s a comment on Goals. At the beginning of each year many of us set intentions and create New Years’ Resolutions. But statistics prove that it’s not that easy to implement or follow through. Not on your own. No, too many people stay within a safe and often uncomfortable job, marriage, home or apartment. They stay with what’s familiar, even though it may be dull or even somewhat painful because the concept of change is too daunting. Even though many want it, dream of it, desire, pray and meditate for it. Coaching with the right person can totally be your answer. But the coaches that are really good and affordable are often hard to find. But you’re here on this site so something powerfully magical is working for you. Stop a moment right now, take a deep breathe.. in through your heart… serious; imagine breathing in through your heart and take a couple of deep, full conscious deep breathes. You see, consciousness, success, focus and reality itself is a multi-dimensional complex world of mind, emotions, trends, elements like water, fire, air, metal, wood, earth/dirt and rocks.. the list can go on and on. The point being, life is not just psychology 101. its physical, what we can see, touch, taste, hear, smell.. those are rather tangible things. But we have the meta-physical.. those invisible elements that truly influence both our perception and our reactions.
Here are some steps… (& if you need help with any of these, JacQuaeline can lead/guide you through each step!)
1. Meditate with a specific question – what, when, why
2. Set a goal, make a plan with a timeline.
3. Take consistent action steps and make it happen. (daily/weekly/monthly)
Easy, right? But have you done it? Are you totally committed to your own growth and success?
If you are STUCK at any of the above stages? Then make it easy on yourself, ask JacQuaeline for help. You’ll be amazed at how JacQuaeline can cut through issues FAST and help you bottom line your issues. You get very clear so you CAN move forward with purpose and FOCUS!
- What is your deepest heart felt yearning/desire/passion?
- What could bring more joy into your life?
- What do you want?
- What inspires you?
- How can you live a life that has meaning?
- Are you ready to break through to a new level of Success?
- Would you like to work smarter, not harder?
- Want to make more money doing what you love?
If you are not sure about any of these questions above, call JacQuaeline and let her help you, her number is listed below.
Success Coaching: Received a Coaching Award from T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Coach Division in 2004!

Want to make more money fast…while reducing stress?
Could you benefit by having Prioritized Action Steps?
Do you want to balance your time sooner than later?
Want to reduce STRESS? …and still be more effective?
Ready for a supported transition and positive change?
Read what Dr. McCloud has to say??..
press the play button
-Dr. Nance MacLoud www.NiagraOnTheLakeRetreats.com |
Coaching with ‘JacQuaeline’ is life changing!
Step by step you are guided to new levels of achievement while keeping in mind the need for balance, joy, fulfillment and success!
press the play button
Hello, my name is Dr. Kelly Martin of Boulder Co. In the first month of working with JacQuaeline as my success coach I had several financial breakthroughs. I brought in 18 new patients sold out of my health class and grossed more money than I have in the past two years. JacQuaeline is extremely supportive and driven and I now that she will help me to be my best. www.expressionoflife.com Thanks so much. Dr. Kelly Martin, Boulder, Colorado |
JacQuaeline draws out the Successful Entrepreneur and Visionary in you.
She helps you to overcome fears and limitations that keep us from achievement.
You will realize more of your true potential!
(recording not available: Karen’s written testimonial:)During my first year of coaching with JacQuaeline I set a goal for a chunk of money and I actually made more than double that. My stress, my anxiety level in all areas of my life have improved. My friends have told me I’m calmer and more focused. Before working with JacQuaeline I sort of had a dream of starting my own business. But now it’s really a reality. I’m taking action steps to create my new business and have a new found total confidence that it will be a total success.-Karen Nagumo, lisenced massage practitioner, DesMoines, WA |
I assess where you are at in relation to your goals, visions, mission, and purpose. I help you bring clarity to those issues and develop a doable/achievable step by step plan for a streamlined fast track for balanced living AND financial gain; integrating your personal/professional life goals and ambitions. Seeing you achieve your hearts desire and living the live of your dreams is my dream come true.
Individual Coaching – contact JacQuaeline’s office 310-710-8126 (Pacific Time zone)
FIVE MONTHS of SUPPORT/Coaching with JacQuaeline at a BARGAIN Discount Price – WHY?
Why? Because JacQuaeline is so sure you will LOVE what she does with you, your business and your life, that you will be willing, able and happy to continue with her at my regular rates. You see, successful people think LONG TERM. And you’ll know by the first month if you will be able to get great, measurable results.
Here’s the deal. . .
Five months working with JacQuaeline. This will basically guarantee that you move forward this next year! You’ll have consistency and support; accountability and guidance.
This is a limited offer.
To get you started I will slash my prices – see details below.
Create new Life Balance. Increase your income. Find the love you are seeking. Get past blocks, reasons, excuses.
Make progress on your life mission… manifest it in the real world.
Private coaching with the advantage of working with a highly trained intuitive on a regular basis. Identify and create laser beam focus on goals. JacQuaeline will help you lock onto you Success.
Additional benefits people have reported. . .(in addition to career success & spiritual growth)
- Reduced STRESS, improve health and energy
- Increase net worth/income.
- Conceived of and started a successful new business
- Created free time and enjoy it. (Release guilty feelings.)
- Create new behaviors, habits and strategies
You CAN and WILL make progress starting your first week! You CAN stay on track. You WILL shift nonsupporting behaviors, habits and create new strategies, habits and behaviors that will get you the results you are looking for.
You will see results – GUARANTEED! Call JacQuaeline if you have any questions, 310-710-8126.
– – – – – – – SPECIAL OFFER – – – – – – –
Where do YOU want to be in six months or one year from NOW?
Your Business and Career
Your Love Life/Relationships,
Your Health,
Your Spiritual Connection – feeling guided, connected to source
Time is our most precious commodity – don’t waste it! Now is the time to invest in yourself and really get support to FOCUS and manifest your greatest potentials…
– Special Offer – New Clients only/ 1st time callers –
JacQuaeline’s mission is to inspire, motivate and empower people to live dynamically conscious, successful lives!
* Four (4) months powerful Success Coaching with JacQuaeline … PLUS truly valuable Bonuses included to remove any doubt that this is an amazing deal and incredible opportunity!
This is the time to take advantage of this brief special and boost forward fast in the next six to twelve months. Special offer for new clients. Focus on opportunities and step forward with support. Guarantee your own successful progress. There’s no reason to struggle on any level. you don’t need to be alone without a success partner who can get and keep you inspired while also holding you accountable with strategies that just might help you shift and shift and shift until you’ve changed behaviors and are able to see different results.. Flow forward with JacQuaeline as your partner, guide, coach on your side. Imagine having JacQuaeline on your team.
If JacQuaeline discovers that the timing isn’t right, or that you may not be a good ‘fit’, or that you could use some a specific type of specialist in order for you to reach the next level in your life; then she’ll clarify that up front. Your success is her success. If you’re not a fit, she will tell you right up front…give you some recommendations or referrals and lovingly send you on your way. Many coaches will try to work with everyone. Not JacQuaeline. If I go through her assessment and for any reason, if she feels she is not the coach for you; guess what? She will simply give you a referral or give you a little suggestion of what she feels is your next best step. Otherwise, she will tell you that she is interested in working with you, please pay attention. Act in spite of fear. Sometimes its hard.. ‘life happens’ especially when we tackle a quick and strong shift to the deep levels of the subconscious mind. (The subconscious part of us that wants to keep the status quo, don’t make changes, changes are bad, changes are wrong or scary… etc. etc. – the ‘job’ of the subconscious is to keep you safe and to protect you from changes.. growth is change, positive fast growth is really change and can potentially bring on an inner battle. All you need to do is your very best; show up for each meeting and do the baby steps that we clarify and agree on each week or each meeting.) I’ve even worked with a few clients who were scared up to a full year of regular coaching… scared to get on the phone.. then – breakthrough on all levels and new job, new home, new relationship… stuff happens. The results are totally transformational because I won’t accept your old story or old patterns. Nope, its time to grow, time to change! The ‘old story’ is just that.. your past.
It’s time to create your NEW future based on ideas, emotions and possibilities and action. Action in THE NOW!
Together we can transform whatever it is that is holding you back. So, I ask you to be willing to show up, tell the truth and you will make progress. Sometimes I am tough… and other times we’ll laugh and celebrate! I’m your shoulder and emotional support. I’m your guide but I won’t always give you the answers… I promise I’ll help you discover your own best answers; find them and keep you on your path, moving forward. And ultimately, I like support you as we play the game to win, I’m your coach, team mate and cheer leader. Your successes are my successes. And speaking of winning, a great place to begin is this bonus that I want you to have to get started with deeper clarity. And the special bonus program that normally sells at $297 called “Make This Your Best Year Yet” – that’s included too! This Special Offer Package Must be purchased on or before 12/31/22 (*limited offer based on date you register)
- Bonus: Including ‘Make This Your Best Year Yet’ – program normally $297
- Plus: Private Club Membership – Monthly Support/Inspiration Training Call – invitation only
Offer #1:
Amazing value $2,297; yours for one payment of $1,297. Make one payment to cover your four months of coaching plus the extra bonuses.. realize the regular coaching could be $700 per month (when paid in advance with this special.) And you’ll have the bonuses included for free. This is a great deal. I want to work with you! Click here: One payment: $1,110. Invest in YOURSELF – give yourself this gift of support, focus, results!
*Offer #2: same as above with payment plan option
Commit to one year of Success Expressway Coaching with JacQuaeline
- All this for five easy payments as follows: $397, $255, $255, $255, $255. Must be purchased on or before 12/01/22 * limited number of clients allowed for this offer.
Offer #2: YES, I want to get started, here’s my first payment to get started. Click here: first payment
Special Program #3 – Customized transformational journey for executives on the spiritual path. Program identifies where you are on the spiritual path, which initiations are in front of you on your path. This is multi-dimensional work done with individuals who know they are here to make a major contribution to life; who are not working directly with a GURU and who are seasoned travelers on the spiritual path. Program begins at base: $75,000, plus travel expenses and additional fees for referrals as needed. This is an thorough transformational, initiation process to awaken the creative channel in a practical manner. For more details, meditate on this concept before contacting JacQuaeline. A trial period of working together will be included in the program in order to move forward. Accountability, integrity and follow through is a critical requirement for anyone interested in considering this work.
GUARANTEE: I guarantee you will get the results you are looking for in coaching – you will get results if you are willing to do the work – step by step action.. one week at a time.. one baby step as we move as a team – forward……
GUARANTEE: I’ve been professionally coaching since 1995; was given an award for coaching from T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Coaching Division in 2004. If you don’t see results the first month, you can drop out of the program and the balance of coaching money will be refunded.
*all above offers are for individual coaching based on one hour per month; not corporate business contracts.
The Universe Rewards Action.
Successful people think long term.
Take this opportunity to invest in your own future. It’s the very best investment you could ever possibly make!
Remember – If you think you CAN you may. If you THINK you CAN’T – guess what – you won’t! Your thinking patterns and beliefs are critical to your success. The roots create the fruits – – what’s unseen, under the surface matters and is a secret key to better, easier results. JacQuaeline will help you create strategies for success and monitor, support and help your adjust those inner belief patterns and habits that may be sabotaging your rapid success.
Do this now! ‘ NOW’ is the only time we really have. Best wishes! Happy Holidays and New Year!